Question About Real Plants


New Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Hi, I am going to be housing chiclids soon, and I need some plants that will withstand the higher pH. Is there such a thing?
Thank you
I'd be more worried about plants that will survive the cichlids :fun: .

In any case, Vallis works great in such tanks, and seems to grow great in hard water with a high pH.

Other common easy plants like java fern, Anubias and Hygrophila polysperma will all grow fine too :good:.
hygrophillia polysperma will get ripped to shreds! not a tough plant at all.

vallis & anubias is you only option, as they are tough do well in the hard water as they can get Carbon from the bicarbonates.
When I kept vallis it LOVED hard water it was like a week, and I've had my anubias for years and it's survived everything I've thrown at it including goldfish, hard, and soft water and grown massive!
hygrophillia polysperma will get ripped to shreds! not a tough plant at all.

vallis & anubias is you only option, as they are tough do well in the hard water as they can get Carbon from the bicarbonates.
Oh I don't know, it survived my goldfish just because it grows so fast, and grows after being ripped apart. But as I said, it's the water it will be able to survive ;).

Java fern will grow good too, I've seen it growing great in cichlid tanks.
whereas goldfish tend to eat plants, cichlids dont (depending on the speices) they just like to destory them lol, i put an amazon sword in on night, it had gone the next morning :blink:


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