Question About Rainbow Fish


New Member
Jul 14, 2007
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I heard/read information about rainbow fish being a school type of fish. I was wondering if this is true because i am planning to buy some. Also, if they are schooling fishes, do i have the buy the same type/colour? Thank You
Definitely schooling/shoaling fish.
I would also like to know how to make the colour of the rainbow fish show up better, right now, i have 2 rainbow (short on money) a red one with some part silvery and some other one (srry dontknow how to discribe it). Do i need more fishes to show the colour better? Thank You again.
Just give them a diet of flake and foods that contain beta-carotenes. That will bring out the colors. And yes they need to be in schools and prefer same species schools. I have many of the same size but they only hang out with ones of the same species.
In terms of color, most of the females will be less colorful than the males.

Stress will cause them to loose color/show less color, like most fish.

Juveniles are much less colorful than adults.

High light levels also will tend to wash them out.
Rainbows need groups of at least 4, but they can be made of a number of different species of Rainbows of similar size.

They do look very drab when juvaniles, adults are very attractive. The red Rainbowfish is the Red Rainbowfish Glossolepis insicus. As for other fish, the fish shop should give you better infomation on them. If they dont, go to one which can give you good infomation on them. Also buy a good book that gives good info on them with many pics of adults and babies.
I would LOOOVE to get some of these aswell. Are the compatible with Angelfish?
I would LOOOVE to get some of these aswell. Are the compatible with Angelfish?

Generally, yes. The only trouble is that the big ones over 5" get fairly chunky and can be a bit blundery when it comes to swimming in smaller spaces. But any of the Chilatherina, Glossolepis and Melanotaenia species will be fine. If you do buy one of the smaller species like M. preacox make sure they are too big to be eaten by the Angels.

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