Question About Putting Found Rocks And Wood Into Tanks


New Member
May 3, 2012
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Bay Area
Hi guys,

I was just wondering what the usual protocol would be if you wanted to put a found rock or wood into a tank (I imagine it would require boiling a little bit to disinfect and clean? And the tannins in wood would have to be leached out using a similar process?). And also, are there certain types of wood or rocks that really shouldn't be used in aquariums?

Thanks! :)
You don't want to boil either rocks or wood; boiling will 'cook' wood and make it rot quicker; boiling rocks could make them explode :crazy:

Soak them in boiling water, changing it every day for a few days, give it a really good scrub and then allow them to dry out completely.

All rocks are 'safe', in that they won't directly harm fish, as long as they have no metallic veins in them, but you'd need to know exactly what rocks they were to know if they were going to affect your hardness/pH. The oft quoted' drop vinegar on them and if they fizz, they're no good' is not very useful; vinegar is just not a strong enough acid. Rust remover is the best for testing them.

Wood, you have to be far more careful with; all evergreens are a no no, as are most fruit trees and ash.
I was just wondering this myself. Planning a trip to the beach and was wondering if driftwood would be a good addition to the tank. I used to sterilize wood for reptiles by baking it. Soaking it seems easier and safer.

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