Question About Plecos


Fish Addict
Dec 8, 2005
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off in my own little world
my betta's tank is growing some wonderful algae on the glass... i love the one pleco i have (he's a good 6" now) and wondered- are there species that stay small enough to live in a 10 gallon tank w/ a betta? the lfs said they often carry royal plecos, but they run about $22 a fish :blink: what other kinds are there?
Plecs generally get too big for 10 gallons, even the smallest types like th egold nuggets.

I'd suggest a few otos instead, or scrap the whole sucker cat thing and feed less/ do more water changes. ;P
DONT go for a royal pleco. The smallest species grows to 8", and the most common species grow to about 14".

As said, Ottos are the only "pleco" that you could fit in your tank. A group of 3 + the betta would do quite happily in your 10G. They are sometimes called dwarf suckermouth catfish. Their latin name is Ottocinclus affinis if you want to look them up.


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