Question about Pleco patterns


Fish Fanatic
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago IL
All right I`ve started two threads about my Pleco Durge's ick. Do Plecos sometimes have white spots as a part of their pattern? I`d love a pic of a pleco with ick,if you guys have one
I dont think you will find a pic of a pleco with ick here for two reasons 1 plecos are strong fish with strong immune systems and
2 this forum is frequented by good aquarists who seldom if ever see ick.

opcn said:
2 this forum is frequented by good aquarists who seldom if ever see ick.

Was that a jibe at Drac? "good aquarists who seldom if ever see ick." Does that mean that those who have had ich are not "good aquariusts"?!


I can't find a picture of a plec with ich but I know they get it. What kind is your plec? Ich is very easy to tell, it looks like white grains f salt on the body. There are many ples that have white wpots as part of their pattern but I don't think you'd mistake them for whitespot.



Do you have other fish in the tank? How do they look?
many plecs are natrually spotted, but if they look like CS just described, they probably have white spot

Edit: Forgot the "y" in many
It was Ich,Durge is on the road to recovery,added the meds for the 3 days on the bottle,and the white spots are going away :D So glad because he is an awesome Pleco ;)
Drac39 said:
It was Ich,Durge is on the road to recovery,added the meds for the 3 days on the bottle,and the white spots are going away :D So glad because he is an awesome Pleco ;)
I have told you before that ich needs to be treated for way longer than 3 days.

I meant his spots are fading,I am going to treat him longer with the Rid-Ich,not the Cure Ick ;)
Drac39 said:
I meant his spots are fading,I am going to treat him longer with the Rid-Ich,not the Cure Ick ;)
But the ich will not be cured. I would seriously advise against changing meds. Plecs and catfish in general are sensitive to medications. As are loaches.

Please don't change it and treat for 21 days, or put the tempature up to 82-85F and treat for 14-21.

The ich will 'come back' of you don't treat for a significant amount of the cycle, not that it will have ever gone.

Please have a look at the ich topics in the emergency and beginners forums.
what could be causeing the stress in your tank? if you cure the stress you want need to treat for ich after the spots have gone.

opcn said:
what could be causeing the stress in your tank? if you cure the stress you want need to treat for ich after the spots have gone.

I think the tank is cycling.

I would not recommend stopping treatment unless you have very good water, which you don't at present. ;)
Cheese Specialist said:
opcn said:
what could be causeing the stress in your tank? if you cure the stress you want need to treat for ich after the spots have gone.


I would not recommend stopping treatment unless you have very good water, which you don't at present. ;)
Your right there.

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