Question about platies


Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
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Wichita, KS
Ever since I saw some Sunset Platies at a lfs, I've thought about getting some. They were so gorgeous! Anyways, I've read I should get a couple males and a couple females, what have y'all found that works? Could I go with one male and 2 females? Or the other way around? I'm going have them in my 6 gallon tank probably, so I can't have very many. Also - can you mix and match types of platies? For example, a Red Wag Tail, a Mickey Mouse, and a Sunset? I would imagine they don't care, but I want to make sure. I hope to go this weekend sometime to pick up a few- I think they're adorable and will add a lot of color and movement to my tank. Thanks!
i do not know them for being aggressive so i guess u can mix them

Yeah should be fine to mix them, I have wag tails, micky mouse, red and rainbow platties in my tank, in an uneven mix and they do'nt seem to mind or stick to the same "type" of fish even...go for it!
Unless you plan on breeding them there is no difference between the different types of platies. Its like dog breeds, same species but just look a little different. Its a necessity that you keep a two or three females for every male that you have, otherwise the males will harass the female constantly and that will completely stress her out.

^^See! Fish aren't that different than high school kids! :lol:
go with more females than males. i made the newbie mistake of two males (didn't know better, or the difference). one is constantly bullied by the other so i got one female, and they ignore her. i actually have that combo, a red wag, a sunset, and silver/blue mickey mouse. the female is the mickey mouse, and i truly believe the guys ignore becasue she's not brightly colored and they are :p
Is it going to be extremely obvious to me the difference between the males and females? I'm dreadfully afraid I'll come home with all males or something! And since they'll be in a small space I don't want them bullying each other. I think I'd like to go with 2 females and one male. Anyways, I doubt the lfs people around here will know what is what if I tell them hey I want a male and 2 fems, they'll probably just grab whatever is easiest. Sooooo I'm hoping I can pick out the ones I want and know what sex they are. I know the males have a gonopodium... or whatever it's called, I know it's basically called that haha. Will I be able to tell though? Is there any other major differences? Thanks everyone!
I have a female red velvet platty I dont want I would give it to you if your by tacoma.....I can put a pic up if you want....
Hiya Julie,

Don't worry, it's pretty easy to tell the guys and gals apart. There's a really good article here that has pics for you.

I have 3 males to 1 female with my platies - originally had 6 and 2 females died :-( . I have been really worried that she would be bullied but so far she's been doing fine - no babies yet though! I also have a mix of colours and have had no probs - can't wait to see what colour the fry comes out as though!
Surprisingly, I have a high ratio of male to female platties (ie, 2 females and 4 males) I had asked the fish shop for the correct ratio, but didn't check the sex...i expected there to be fighting, but they seem to be living happily along side each other (at the moment) thye seem happy living in a group and don't fight or bully eath other (hippy comune Platties!) ;)

Think I will pop out at the weekend and get a couple more females to even out the balance a bit though...just in case...!

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