Question About My Julii Corys


New Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Hi there,

I have 2 julii corys in a 20 gallon tank. I've had them in there for about a week and a half. I'm a little worried they aren't getting enough to eat. I feed the gourami and the neons flake food and the snail gets bits of algea wafer several times a week. I purchased some of the sinking shrimp wafers by hikari (sp?) but I have not seen the corys eat them. the gourami goes crazy for them though (actually saw the snail steal it away from him one time, ticked him off! :rolleyes: ). They are always gone by morning so.... I just don't know who ate them. They are quickly becoming my favorites, they are just so darn cute!! Anyway, if anyone has any advise it would be appreciated. Oh, had heard conflicting suggestions on cucumber. Some said they would eat it some said they wouldn't. Is it safe to try?
Try peas?

Also, I'm guessing you have trilli (sp?) cories, not julii, as VERY few people have juliis.

Anyhow, to prepare the peas you just boil them, deshell them and put them on the bottom. Or you could just stick flakes down there. Have you tried frozen bloodworms?
Do you happen to have a picture of them that you can post? I would love to see them.

They should eat pretty much anything that hits the bottom. (including vegetables)
Maybe you could try getting some of the flake food in tablet form and some shrimp pellets to add just before you turn the lights out. I have a few corys that will not come out to eat until the lights go off.

Are they skinny? Are they active? What is their behavior like?
My corys (2x bronze, 2x peppered) eat anything and everything which ends up on the bottom of the tank and will also eat anything trapped on the plants :)
I will have to try and get some pictures of them to post. They are very active, swimming all over the place. Just added an air stone to the back of the tank and they seem to enjoy it. I'm probably just being paranoid but I have become very attached to them. I will give the peas a try and also put the shrimp wafers in when I turn the lights out. Maybe that will keep the dwarf gourami from getting them. He can be greedy! And yes, I have given them frozen bloodworms once so far, they seemed to really enjoy them. I only feed the tank worms on the weekend though after hearing it was bad to over feed with them.

Oh, and will the peas sink or do I need to somehow anchor them?

Thanks :good:
Pea's will prolly need to be anchored somehow...I have alot of trouble with floaters, and use a plant anchor to hold em down. Also might mean the gourami doesnt get em.
To feed peas, par boil them or nuke them, deshell and then squish a bit between your fingers. They will then sink and also release a bit of juice to attract attention.

There is no problem feeding the veggies, but if you are feeding a good sinking pellet and a good frozen meaty thing like blood worm occasionally, they will get all the green they need from that. They will also graze a little on the algae. They don't need much. All your fish will take a little of the pea if you squish it before dropping it in.

I would recommend a good sinking tablet like Hikari sinking wafers as the main prepared staple. The shrimp pellets are ok as a treat but the wafers are made to supply the nutritional needs of bottom feeders like Cories and other catfish. The shrimp pellets are not as well balanced. I also use a tablet by Tetra for bottom feeders.

If you really want to make a hit, get them blackworms. They will quickly become spoiled. Cories are an insectovore. I feed live blackworms daily as many Cory keepers do to condition them for breeding. They are the Cory's natural diet. I add a wafer or tablet most evenings. Mine mostly ignore veggies unless I feed them nothing else. If they are being fed as scavengers, which they are not, then they will grab at anything that goes in the tank. But they may not spawn under those conditions, as they need conditions that suggest there is bounty for their young.

As was said it is unlikely that your fish are juliis.
Hey jollysue... When you suggest things like those worms... you need to suggest where a person can find them. They are not sold just everywhere. :good:
I can't find them. :whistle: hint... hint...
A good independent lfs should have them. Call around. I have a connection with a local wholesaler of fresh live local black worms. I buy about 3 lbs a month for $20. They are a cold river worm If kept clean daily they are a nice treat for all fish. Bettas love them and they are not as fatty as blood worms. They are also live so they won't spoil right away. But they must be kept clean. I just saw Coryologist recommend them for vacationers. They can be put in and will live to provide food for quite awhile. But if the substrate is deep they will dig down and under things and live there. Then my Corys get white spots on their noses trying to dig down and move things around to get to them. :wub:

I manage to keep them good for a month at a time, but that is stretching it. I suppose you could have them shipped, but at this point I think you would find it overpriced until you get 300 tanks like Frank. :p
Also, I'm guessing you have trilli (sp?) cories, not julii, as VERY few people have juliis.

Great helpful thread as Ive just bought, what the shop told me, were three Julii. How do I tell if they are Trilli or Julii? I honestly don't mind what type I have but I'd like to know what they're called. :)

Do any of you have any key hints/tips to ensure my Trilli/Julii are as happy as can be?

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