A Shrine To Madness
Okay, so about two weeks ago, I tore down my 29 gallon set up, because I had either given away/ sold the fish, put the tetras in my 10 gallon, or just because they died. Anyhow, I moved the 55 gallon up into my bedroom. Now, both my Oscar and Blood Parrot have been growing nicely, but I am noticing bigger changes in my Parrot Cichlid than my Oscar. To begin with, the Parrot Cichlid is growing wider, and the white spot beneath it's tail is protruding more. I'm just assuming that is normal. I'm asuming it's female. Second, my Parrot is starting to get these random black streaks just on the back of it's tail. Is this normal? And last, the Parrot seems to be really moving around the gravel alot, it's already built a huge trench behind a huge rock. This is normal behavior too, right? I know the Parrot is fine with the Oscar, he often scares the Oscar off. So if you could answer my questions, that'd be great. Thanks!
EDIT: I don't know if this helps at all, but I've been feeding them live food lately, Goldfish to be exact.
EDIT: I don't know if this helps at all, but I've been feeding them live food lately, Goldfish to be exact.