question about mollys ?


Fish Crazy
Nov 8, 2003
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staffordshire uk
ok i have a silver male molly and a black molly and not that long ago she had fry , has anyone got any idea what colour the fry are going to be , my silver female molly has been breeding with the black molly and so has the male silver molly , hope i didnt confuse anyone :crazy:
Hi Angel. That's not an easy question to answer. With any livebearer, they store sperm so they can continue to have fry even when a male is not present.

It really depends on what males she has been with in the last 6 months. How long have you had her? If less then that, she could have any color fry from matings prior to your getting her.

If she mates solely with the white, they will be white, with the black they could go back to the wild "grey". Or, you could end up with some spotted ones.

That's what I find so neat about livebearers. Ya just never know. And you get to watch the colors develope and get some good suprises :D
thanks mamaschild if they are going to be spotty how long b 4 the spots start to come out on them , would love to have a few spotty ones , the baby mollys are about 4 weeks old now and they are a light colour at the moment and very cute :D
If they are still light at 4 weeks, they are probably going to stay that way. You may end up with both white and gray, but if spots were going to show, they probably would have already.

I had a large batch of fry born of a White Mickey Mouse Platy and a Blue Mickey Mouse Platy. They are ALL White (or grey or light blue, can't tell yet) with Dalmation spots on their entire bodies???? Where all the spots came from, I have no clue, but they are adorable :fun: But the spots showed up in about 2 weeks. They have gotten more spots over time, but I already knew they were spotted by then.

I also had a Pineapple Swordtail that was my Mama Sword. She gave me some of the prettiest babies, but they were all different colors. From one release I got 4 different colors......almost yellow with a little light orange, Pineapple with light orange and yellow, Pineapple with dark orange and yellow, and solid dark orange.

I'm sure your not all that interested in all the fry I have had, but I wanted to give you an idea of what can happen with livebearer colors. :)

Good luck with the little ones and post some pictures if you can. I would love to see them :nod:

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