Question About Mixing Budgies


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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I have 2 male budgies, they are about 2 years old now and I have been asked if I can take a male budgie who's owner has died :sad: However this chap is about 10 and I dont know if you can just add another budgie like that. My 2 live in a parrot cage, 5ft x 3ft x 2ft so there would be room.
If you could put it in a cage next to the other ones and let them see each other and bond for a few week then put him in, budgies are very social birds but some can be teritorial and may kill a new bird thay're not used to,
Thanks, It could be difficult as the budgie cage is wedged between 2 fish tanks so no where really to put another cage, I will try and figure something out unless someone else has him in the meantime.
In the past I've just put the other bird in with mine. They sulk for a day or so and then they've always been the best of friends.

I find female budgies a bit more complicated. My current female is very anti-social and is thriving being alone; she hated having a 'friend'.

My males have always been accepting.

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