Fish Fanatic
Ok, hey everyone. Heres the thing, My tank is two weeks old. I have been testing the water everyday, starting at day 3/4. My initial readings were Nitrate 0 and ammonia 0. Now it's Nitrate 0, maybe .25, can't exactly tell and ammonia 4. I made the initial mistake and basically stocked my tank in two days. I have only lost 2 fish, a pink tiger barb and a blue ram. I currently have 3 neon tetras, 6 black neon tetras, 2 "neon" or rosy barbs and 2 Bolivian Rams. The neon tetras developed Ich and I used Maricyn? and it cleared it up. Now all 6 Black neons have it and its pretty bad. I raised the temp to about 84 degrees and it keeps coming back. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have done 2 partial (30%) water changes so far.