Question about healing fins...


Fish Fanatic
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
As the topic title says, I have a question about healing fins. My fish's tail fin was a little ragged when I bought him from the lfs. It has healed up a bit since I brought him home, but I was curious as to how much of it will grow back. Will his tail eventually assume normal shape or will he always look a little rough, tough and ragged? lol :) TIA and pardon the size of the picture...

well if its treated and taken care of real good it should heal back to normal, but if he catches sumhing like rot or fungus that could leave perminate damage so the fin wont grow back normaly.
I have a betta that had an extremely bad case of fin rot, but after treatments of maracyn2 and full water changes and then some aquarium salt his fins are almost back to normal... (normal being what it is because when I purchased him he had fin rot really badly).

I would say that you have a very high chance of his fins growing back to normal.
Yep you should notice some clear white filament on your bettas fins when the fins are growing back =)
from my experience,blue and red veils are notorious for having disintegrating fins.I wish you both the best :nod: Keep his water sparkly clean.

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