Question About Fish Fins


Fish Fanatic
Oct 21, 2008
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do the fins on fish grow back and repair themselves? because my red tail shark had a big scrap with a lionhead cichlid and now the shark is looking a bit shredded.
if your water is clean and the fish isnt stressed then it will and you will be supprised how quick, but I do recomend going to the fish store and looking through the treatments at any thing that aids in healing and stopping fungal infections :)

have they got enough hidy holes though as they could be why they are fighting as some cichlids like a pot to guard and sharks deffinately do :)
The "fleshy" bit of a fin will repair in a manner similar to the way in which your own skin will repair, provided the damage is not too severe. If the soft fin rays are damaged they will also repair in a manner similar to the way in wich human bones repair. You'll need good water quality and try some aloe vera extract. If the fin has gone completely there may be some regrowth but it will not grow back to its former size.

As an aside, some tailed amphibians can regenerate a whole limb back to its origianl size and many scientist are now looking at the cell biology behind this phenomenon in an attempt to aid in human tissue regrowth after traumatic injury.

Hope the shark gets better soon.

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