Question About Fiddler Habitat


New Member
Mar 26, 2009
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Okay. I am wanting to build a fiddler habitat. I've been looking at some pictures and plans online and i have a question. You see some have the sand piled up on one side and the brackish water on the other and some have a wall between formed of rocks and silicone or glass and silicone or whatever. Would it be better to go with the wall or without the wall? cause i think that sand is probably gonna need some moisture so they can form there boroughs but i don't know maybe the wet sand could grow harmful bacteria? Should i maybe build a wall with a slat opening at the bottom so water can flow in? I could put some gravel in the bottom so the water can flow in better then cover the gravel with the sand? What should i do?
nobody ever replied to my post but i guess i will put up posts of the finished product any way.




This is a 10 gallon. I don't know how may crabs i should get if some one could help me out that would be great if not i'll just wing it again.
Sorry I dont really know anything about fiddler crabs but that looks like a pretty good haibitat.
yea it looks good and makes me wana do it. i was thinking about having a rock river type thing in the middle with water flowing down it hittin the rocks as it goes...a fluval 1 with a piece of syphon tubing would make a pretty good pump to keep the water cycling.

do fiddlers need brackish? im sorry im not much help but could you share what you do know about lfs has some neat ones
yea it looks good and makes me wana do it. i was thinking about having a rock river type thing in the middle with water flowing down it hittin the rocks as it goes...a fluval 1 with a piece of syphon tubing would make a pretty good pump to keep the water cycling.

do fiddlers need brackish? im sorry im not much help but could you share what you do know about lfs has some neat ones
yeah theyre low end brackish (1.003 sg)

shouldnt be kept with fish
basically all i know is they need brackish water and a place to get out of the water and places to climb and dig. i couldn't find any crabs locally so i ordered some online and i am a little disappointed because i am fairly certain they sent me red claw crabs instead of fiddlers. I'll probably keep them though because it would probably be too cruel to put them through being shipped again. I was really looking forward to fiddlers. sigh.
Nope. Fiddlers are Uca spp., red claws are Sesarma/Perisesarma bidens(I forget the correct genus). There's a big difference, such as that it's is safe to keep fiddlers with fish if there's enough room as they're mainly herbivorous. People have kept them with the less aggressive mudskippers before.

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