Question about female (pregnant)?????


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
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I have a female platy that looked as though she was about to have babies but then she pooped this long orangeish red strand and for the next 6-8 hours she pooped huge strands of normal looking poop. After all this all she did was stay in one spot and didn't move. Is this normal?? Could she have had her fry (babies)??? Or i heard of platys aborting pregnancies could this of happened?? She is back to her normal size now.
need help asap Any info or advice welcome
new to livebearers need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If she was fat at the beginning and then she is now thin then one of two things could of happened, either 1. she had her babies and they got eaten ( have you checked the plants in your tank) or 2. she aborted them to stress i.e water conditions arent right etc. it does happen, just keep an eye on her and feed her as normal, i like to feed freeze dried brine shrimp by Interpet as it helps mums to be give birth to good and healthy babies.
Replied to that: please don't post the question in more than one place as things can get confusing, saw this and though "wait a minute i just answered this where's my post" then I realised ;) Better luck next time from the sounds of things, she'll be ready to drop in another 28 days (roughly).

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