Question About Female Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Feb 8, 2006
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Do female bettas that bar up and are gravid with eggs need to be bred?

Is it a need for them healthwise? What will happen to the female if they are not bred? What about he eggs inside? Can they go on living unbred and gravid?
I've had a female release all her eggs once on me. They were covering the bottom of the tank one day! I'm think your female will be fine :)

A female who isn't bred will release some eggs or reabsorb them, there's no need to breed :)
Whew! That's good to hear. I have a female that releases her eggs when really full, but she also eats them. I don't think she'll make a great mom! :sick:
I also have one who creates her own bubble nest and places the eggs on her own. :lol:

I'm just worried seeing my females as if they are going to burst open. :no:

Thanks Ian and Synirr!

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