Question About Cherry Red Shrimp


Fish Herder
Feb 3, 2012
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We have had four red cherry shrimp in our tank for a month or so, at the start they used to hang out on the plants together (having a shrimposium, if you will). Then they disappeared and we thought they were dead - we never saw more than one at a time but usually couldn't find any at all.

Now, after a two week disappearing act, they're all back.

What were they doing that meant that they all disappeared at the same time? I know they moult but surely not all together??
Now one seems to have lost its colour but is very active. Any ideas?
They probably went into your filter. Seems to be most likely outcome.
I breed shrimp and have thousands of cherries but only use sponge filters now, some other tanks with fish I have a canister filter and they always end up in there, quite happy to released back into the tank every 6 weeks or so after a clean...!

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