Question About Carpet Anemone And Xenia


Fish Fanatic
Aug 2, 2004
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Just purchased the Xenia yesterday and just had a few questions about it. All specs on tank are good, lighting could be better. Have Orbit USA compact flourscent (4x65) in 120 gallon tank. I placed the xenia about halfway up to top of tank, is this high enough? Also, how much water flow is too much for xenia? Scared to blow it around too much. It closes up relatively tight when the white and blue lights are turned off, and only moon remain. Is it normal for it to close up when white lights are off? Last question about xenia. What are the signs that it might not be doing well, so i know what to watch for.Also is a coral banded shrimp something to be concerned about with the xenia?
About the carpet anemone, i am having trouble feeding it. Have had the anemone for 2.5 months, and never feed it. THe anemone often retracts into the rocks and fold up. Is that normal? First i tried to feed the anemone raw shrimp, but didn't work. Now i am trying silverside, but have had no sucess yet. The clown fish often pull the fish out before the anemone can do something with it. JUst recently the anemone ate one of the clown fish it was hosting. Why would it do this out of the blue? the fish was not sick at all. Please help me figure out what to do.
Carpet anemones are a very potent stinger, your clown fish would not have to be very sick to become even slightly susceptable to the sting of the carpet.
The anenome didn t choose to eat the clown, it detected it was there. Clowns secrete a layer on their skin that makes them undetectable to the anenome. IF for some reason the layer is removed or only partially working then the anenome will see the fish and instinctively sting it. Im afraid to say that the clowns were either ill or somehow didnt have a thivk enough coating to make themselves invisible.
Thanks for the insight about the anemone eating the clownfish. What do you all suggest about feeding the anemone though, i would really like to feed it meat. Also, what about the xenia, does anyone else know if they are supposed to close up when the lights change color? It just seems to stay real tight until the white lights are turned on in the morning.
This is my take on is probably one of the most unusual and beautiful corals, but, I won't put one in my tank. Why? If successful, xenia can grow like mats of weeds. I'll watch it in someone ELSE'S tank. They definitely prefer moderate to high light and mod to high flow. So...I'd put it as high on your reef as possible. Without flow, it can wither away and die. Many of my corals close down at night, and, if they don't, they are busy hangin' out with their sweepers. I don't see anything wrong if your xenia closes at night. Also, many people use xenia as a barometer for their water conditions. If it closes up (during the day), you should check your water parameters. SH
What do you all suggest about feeding the anemone though, i would really like to feed it meat.

I hope you dont mean meat as in beef. Its a no go. Feed them prawn/shrimp and salt water fish flesh. I have heard of Carpets not needing alot of feeding. Watch to see how readily he consumes each meal, and feed im based on his appetite.
Mussel, Shrimp, small lance fish or silversides and even liverbrine shrimp.
What you must do hoever is not simply put the food i n the anenome but you must stimulate it into a feeding responce. So wiggling the food in the tenticles will help induce it to fire off its sting. Never put the food directly i nto the mouth as this can kill it. Do not place the food on the outer area of the anenome either as it might not continue to feed and drop its prey before it reaches the mouth. Try and get the food near the center of the anenome but not in the mouth. If the anenome triggers a feeding responce then it has a short distance to travel to get the food it wants.
thanks for the advice, i will try that in a day or two. Another question (since you seem to be knowalegable), our there negative consequences to having more than 1 pair of clowns of the same species? i was thinking of getting another anemone, and wanted to get another pair of sabae clowns to keep it company. or is there any other fish that will live in anemones?
i have 2 pairs in my laarge reef but i would say its risky with a smaller tank.

Dont keep africans, clarkiis, skunks maroons and tomatoes together. dont keep percs, occerlaris, etc together.

I have apair of percs and a pair of skunks in mine. No bother at all. I have apair of clarkiis in the nano but i would not dare put these in the large tank nor wuold iadd anything with them
we have a pair of sabae in a 120 reef tank and I'd think that would be ample room to have 2 pairs of that kind in the tank with the anemone's at oppsite ends of the tank and of course making sure they are compatiable with each other. dave
well the current carpet anemone we have hasn't moved but I'm thinking its becuase it doesn't have any reason to move thats just me though.
Obviously the conditions are best in that spot with regards to flow and light, you may find that if you put another Anenome in the tank it will want that spot too :X

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