Question About Carnivorous Fish

well fed or not, it wouldnt stop it for claiming a late night snack out of your fishes.
Yeah, I figured as much.
What I don't get is that I've read mixed reviews about knifefish, specifically the Black Ghost. The owner of my LFS says they are peaceful fish that can be kept with small fish, but the owner of my LPS, which has Black Ghosts occasionally, says that they're very aggressive fish that will eat anything.
But, at LiveAquaria, I get mixed reviews, too:

LiveAquaria said:
I have been keeping freshwater tropical fish for about 15 years, and the Black Ghost Knifefish is my favorite. I have read several descriptions stating the Ghost Knife can be an aggressive fish, but in my experience that simply isn't true. I currently have a 9" Black Ghost Knifefish in a 150-gallon community aquarium, and he is completely peaceful to even the smallest of Tetras. I wonder if anyone who claims they are aggressive has actually seen them attack and/or eat other fish, or is merely basing that assertion on the "Knifefish" name, since other Knifefish can indeed be very aggressive predators.

So what is the correct answer?

hen asked "will they get along ?" Sometimes the answer is as simple as yes or no, The truth is we speak in generalities some fish in theory should be ok together some not.The long broad sweeping statements are flawed as they are generalities I think we all know generalities are just opinions , but because we are dealing with animals each with its own personality its flawed.This question is harder with predatory fish, due to their natural habits ,predation! where they naturaly feed on the smaller , the weaker and the sick, claim territory and defend it . The actual answer is we don't know it's our best guess that they should or shouldn't get along. Its a case of trial and error to some extent and depends on the individual animal.
I believe that your tetras will still not be safe ,but maybe some other carnivorous fish will survive such as cichlids.

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