Question About Careers....


Fish Addict
Feb 22, 2003
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I couldn't find a topic header that fit my question, so I am posting it here. It's been hard for me to find any information about this topic - I have been in college now for 5 years and have changed my major I don't know how many times. I just cannot find ANYTHING that really interests me. My buddy's wife just told me tonight, "Hey, what about what your cousin does? You would be GREAT at it!" I actually thought about it, and it is the most appealing thing I have ever thought of. My cousin is the Events Manager for the Pepsi Center in Denver, CO. He gets to coordinate special events such as concerts, games, special events, things like that. I already sent him an email, but I was wondering if anyone here knew how to get into the field. I know there are many ways to go into it, but I don't know what path to take, what courses to take...whatever. Anyway, it would be great if anyone could give me advice on the subject.
My comment is a little old but I thought I would post it anyway:

After you speak with your cousin I would locate a few smaller conference and event centers near you. Find out who does the work you are interested in and ask them if they would be will willing to spare 15-20 minutes maximum for an informational interview. Definitely look up the term to find out how to prepare for it in case you aren't familiar with what it is. Keep in mind it's not the same as a job interview so you should not ask for a job from them.

I know conference and event centers aren't as glamorous as the Pepsi Center but they might be a good place to get your feet wet as a coordinator. What programs have you concentrated on so far?

Good luck with your search and don't let the walls that pop up get in your way.

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