Question about Brazilian Pennywort


New Member
Aug 18, 2022
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I've had some previous issues with Brazilian Pennywort. I went through a cycle where I would plant it, it would be fine for a few weeks, but then it would become uprooted. The stem below the substrate died/melted. So I trim it off, replant, and then the same thing happens. After I do this enough, the plant's growth slows and it starts to melt/die.

I was thinking about giving it another go b/c the plant just looks so cool when it's thriving, but I'm not sure what I would do different this time.
I've read online that this plant "prefers to float". I'm not sure if anyone here knows, but my question is -- how does this plant grow in nature? Does it actually grow from a substrate upwards, or does it only grow while floating? And while it's growing during floating, does it eventually grow a stem downwards and into substrate?

I guess what I'm getting at is if this plant "prefers to float", am I fighting an uphill battle here against nature by trying to put a plant in substrate that doesn't want a substrate? It seems I could float the plant and grow it just fine, but I'd rather have my plants anchored down than floating all over the aquarium. Or, if there's any tips others have with this plant, would be much appreciated?

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