Question about Bettas in a vase...

White Whale

Granola bar gone bad....
Oct 12, 2003
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My cousin wants a betta, but she would like to make things as simple as possible. I told her that I will consult with the experts - that's you people! :)

She has a vase that holds half a gallon of water. She won't put anything in it, just the betta and water. I told her that it would be boring for the poor fishy, but she was adamant. She saw how much work I do just for one little tank. She asked, "Wouldn't it be easier just to not have gravel and stuff in there? Then all you have to do is change the water." Easier, yes, but I would like my fish to live like fish. And what's the matter with putting in a little effort? You're only going to have one fish.

So I guess the main question is "Can a betta be kept in an empty container?"
I say it can, but it irks me to think that they'll have nothing to play with or any hidey-hole to peek out from. I'd say they'd be bored as hell. Well, maybe if she had a lava lamp near by..... :/

Any opinions from you betta-lovers out there?

Much appreciated!
Yeah yesterday a friend of mine asked me if he could keep a betta in a big beer mug. obviously not!! :no: i dunno, i love my bettas a lot, and personally i would never keep them in a tank with absolutely nothing. they love hiding. soemthign simple and attractive i've found is putting big seashells in with them. i have one betta that squirms his way underneath them and totally loves it in there!! :thumbs: its so funny cuz when he first did it i couldnt even see him and i thought he jumped out....but he was under a flat shell that was only about a centimetre or less higher than the bottom of the vase, and now i ALWAYS see him in there. sometimes he lies in the shells too, as if it was a little bed! :p anyways some big shells would be nice in her tank and much easier to take out and clean than gravel. personally i'd rather have gravel in mine (the shell lover betta has some under the shells), but i guess i'm just old fashioned! ~dEx :*
Hmmm, those seem similar to the conditions that we consider ourselves "rescuing bettas" from (but of course with more water)

A vase with no plants or cover is more of a prison rather than a home, does that make sense?
I know my bettas love,LOVE their plants, it's what makes their home really homey :wub:

I keep my orangies tank(s) without gravel, but they have heavy foilage to compensate. Their tanks are easy to keep clean because large chunks and access food are easy to spot on the bottom and I just suck it up with my ever faithful baster ;)

I'd say...tell her it's not a good idea and surprise her with a betta tank and plants for Christmas (and a sparkly new baster), then she'll have a home to put her betta in when she gets one :wub: (and when she's not looking hide the vase :lol: ,or knock it off the table so she'll have to forget that idea :lol: )
a much better idea wuv!! i love giving bettas good homes.....i find they are happier too if they have a wider rather than taller (as in vases) smash that vase!!!!! ~dEx :*
oh yeah i meant to add a ps.

ps. i'm no expert! this is all my opinion...aint nuthin that i'm sayin law! :p
wuvmybetta said:
I keep my orangies tank(s) without gravel, but they have heavy foilage to compensate. Their tanks are easy to keep clean because large chunks and access food are easy to spot on the bottom and I just suck it up with my ever faithful baster ;)
That's interesting. What kind of foilage do you use? Maybe I can set hers up like that without the gravel? I'd like to see a pic of it.
I don't have a cam atm, but I might have an old pic,I'll see what I can come up with

I keep theirs bare so that it's not a huge change in enviroment when I move them into the breeder tank, and it's not live plants mind you...they have silk, but they have plenty of places to hide if they ever want a few minutes alone or a nice leaf to rest on/under
yeah silkplants are sooo coool!

how big is this vase? coz it sounds crampt in there to me, i think u should put plants and stuff there, best u can do

good luck
If she cant be bothered to put gravel etc in there she should not get the fish. The fish would have a miserable life in an empty vase!!!

Sounds like she just wants it as a fashion accessory IMO! :crazy:
Well, I recently took on one of the office betta vases. After a week of disappearing betta, bulbous betta eyes etc (curvature of the vase causes weird light refractions), and watching him twitch when he hit the roots, I moved him into a spare 5 gallon I had with a few spare plants thrown in. Then I got to see him twitch when he hit the hairgrass. But he can get away from the hairgrass. He often aligns himself with the heater (about a 45 degree angle) and 'basks' in the heat. He rests on the anubias, gravel, bacopa and between that nasty hairgrass as well. I actually get to see the spectacular color he is, rather than the bulbous eye! The second day in there he was building a nice big bubble nest!

& rather than having to change ALL the water once every three or four days, making sure there is a perfect temperature match, I only have to change a bit of the water once a week or two (I still have to learn what the exchange will be and add a sponge filter). Since most of the water will be left in the tank, I just have to get the new water 'near' the right temperature (leave it over night to get to room temp.). & I get to see a fish in the tank rather than roots and water.

She wants a betta vase ??? fine. Give her one sans betta. It will be as exciting as one with a betta in it. That betta vase I got at the office.... it was about 4th generation because everyone who had it before was just sort of tired of taking care of it. People actually come into my office to take a look at him now and again since they can actually see him.
sten said:
She wants a betta vase ??? fine. Give her one sans betta. It will be as exciting as one with a betta in it. That betta vase I got at the office.... it was about 4th generation because everyone who had it before was just sort of tired of taking care of it. People actually come into my office to take a look at him now and again since they can actually see him.
I think you misread. She wants a betta in a vase she already has, sans plants, gravel, marbles, or anything. The vase is about 7" by 5" cylindrical. She's a lazyass, but likes the fish. She had gouramis before, but found it a hassle to clean the tank with all that gravel. I told her it's like owning any other pet - there is responsibility, only you get wet with this kind of pet. :p
She said she'll get a single hex (Lee's) including gravel and plastic plant instead of just a plain vase. She has the space and money for that. I'm trying to talk her into at least dual hex or a quart container. I even showed Wuv's 'clean tank' pic. Help! I saw a pic of her dorm - she got no tablespace. And I thought I was messy! :lol:

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