Question about Betta fish tank rocks


New Member
Aug 7, 2004
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Hi! I am new here. Looks like a great forum!

I have a Betta fish (Marlin) and have rocks at the bottom of his tank. Near my house is a creek, and I am always finding neat rocks that would look cool in a fish tank. Would it hurt him if I cleaned them off and put them in his tank? Thanks for any replies!! :D
Heya :)

It depends what type of rocks they are. Some rocks can affect the pH and/or hardness of your tank, whihc would stress your fish. Here is a link to a page on aquarium safe rocks:

some people mention that the "acid test" mentioned on that page is not always reliable. And alternative would be to test the pH of you tapwater, leave some in a bowl with the rocks you are testing, and test the pH again later to see if it has changed.

if you do end up using any rocks from outside, remember to wash them very very thoroughly to avoid adding unwanted nasty stuff to the tank.

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