Question About Babies?


New Member
Nov 1, 2008
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I have 12 albino babies that are 11 days old. They are currently living in a basket/net thing were they hatched. Now, how long do I need to leave them in there before releasing them into the 150 gallon community tank where the rest of the cory's are as well many other tropical friendly fish. I feed them flakes and shrimp pellets. They are still very tiny, around 1/4" in lenth total.
Hi crazyone :)

Since they start out so small, it takes a while for them to get to the size where they won't be eaten by the other occupants of a community tank. While they are still tiny, even their own parents won't recognize them. But, keeping them in the net is not a good option either. If you have a spare tank that you use to quarantine new fish, it would be better to move them into it for awhile.

If you have plants for the fry to hide in, there is a chance that at least some of them will be able to hide and grow in your community tank. They will find microorganisms to feed on until they are old enough to come out and eat with the others.

BTW, corys do well on a good quality flake food and would benefit from having some live blackworms or frozen bloodworms added to their diet. Shrimp pellets have a lot of grain filler and don't provide much real nourishment for them.

Good luck with the little ones. :D
Thank you! I hope they make I have 12 of them. Also they net thung is a plastic frame with netting around it and plants inside. Kind cool still roomy for them.

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