Question About African Dwarf Frog


Feb 20, 2007
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I got one of these a couple of days ago, I've never owned one before so I don't know what is normal behaviour for them. The first 2 days he was hiding a lot and coming out sometimes but today he's spent most of his time swimming around the tank. He also likes to just float at the top of the water and occasionally swim around, is this normal?? At the moment he's resting on the suction cup that holds the heater and his head is above water, he's been there about 10 minutes now. Is all of this normal for this type of frog?

Sounds normal, if its otherwise eating and does not seem in any distress then I think it would be ok.
Sounds normal mine is pretty crazy like that too he will just float to the top and stay there. I always afraid he is dead but when I go to check he darts back to the bottom.
Are they really good at hiding??

Came to feed him this morning and I can't find him anywhere! :unsure:
Bad news...

I just found him dead :( Does anyone have any idea why he might have died?
had one of these guys...1. are there any fish in the tank?...2. what were you feeding him?...3. chlorine?

1. fish especially tropical fish are usually faster at getting food than they are...leaving them without food...if u get a turkey blaster to directly feed it

2. these guys need frozen bloodworms, frozen brineshrimp, but they rarely eat pellet food...

3. they can and will die from chlorine
had one of these guys...1. are there any fish in the tank?...2. what were you feeding him?...3. chlorine?

1. fish especially tropical fish are usually faster at getting food than they are...leaving them without food...if u get a turkey blaster to directly feed it

2. these guys need frozen bloodworms, frozen brineshrimp, but they rarely eat pellet food...

3. they can and will die from chlorine

He was with 5 neons and 5 peppered cories. I was feeding him blood worms. I saw him eat on the first day, surely he couldn't have died from lack of food so quickly?? I only had him almost 3 days. No chlorine in the tank.
neons are fast eaters...could be what it was...but it could have also been a disease from the lfs which is very common...especially since its such a hard animal to notice...take a look at this website

could have been a basterial infection since u said he had been at the top of the tank not moving for a while
neons are fast eaters...could be what it was...

Can they die of starvation that quickly?? Surely it would take a couple of weeks at least?? First day I saw him eating, second day he just ignored all food and third day he was dead. :unsure:
yeah like i said it doesnt sound like a food problem anymore....but more a disease problem....most likely bacterial which stopped him eating...

adf can go without food for 3-4 days...thats the max
Ok, thanks for your help. Not sure if I'll get another one or not.
i gave my little guys away...they get boring after a while in my opinion...thats why i picked up on oriental toads...much cooler...good luck with your tank
yeah like i said it doesnt sound like a food problem anymore....but more a disease problem....most likely bacterial which stopped him eating...

adf can go without food for 3-4 days...thats the max

In my experience ADF's can go without food for much longer, at least a couple of weeks on a belly full. Mine regularly hides and i don't see him for weeks, he is a maniac when fed though!!!
yeah i agree, ADF's can go a long while without food. i doubt he died from starving.
if he wasnt eating, it was probally something worng inside, possable a bacteria or fungus infection.
neons and cories are good tank mates usally, they dont bother much and as long as the frogs eating, everything is usally fine
sorry for your loss, maybe try getting some more, maybe 2 this time as i belive they belong in groups.

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