Question about adding something


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2003
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Hey, got a quick question I'm just looking for some other opinions on. I have a 5 gal tank, and this is the biggest I can support at the moment in a college dorm room, so I'm not looking to hear that this is too small and I should get bigger. I already know all of that.

But at the moment I have two zebra danios which are doing fine. Not tomorrow, but at some point in the future I was thinking about adding something to the tank. Possibly another danios, or maybe a mystery snail. Just wondering what you all think. The two danios I have are male so there is no breeding problem.

Thanks for any input.
I would suggest you add more danios since they're schooling fish and the more there are, the happier they are. :) Even if you do get females, you shouldn't have a problem with baby fish because zebra danios are avid eaters of both their eggs and fry. Unless you make an effort to save some, I highly doubt you'll end up with any babies. I've had a school of 6 - about 3-4 females, and the only time I've had fry is when I wanted them. I purposely saved eggs to hatch. Otherwise, I know they're spawning quite often, but I leave them alone to eat their eggs and never end up with more babies.
Zebra danios like to have a lot of space to swim around in and would like to be in a larger group, so they might not be the best choice for a 5gal... Perhaps consider another species?

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