que es esto?


don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA, USA
to start out, i visited the New Orleans aquarium last week whilst on vacation. i was a bit dissappointed by the freshwater exhibits (or more precisely, the lack thereof) but they had an excellent selection of larger Amazonians and SA Cichlids.

one of the larger tanks had geophagus surinams, angelfish, and what i thought looked like severums (me <-- no expert). in the middle of all these fish were four or five of these oddballs:



as you can see, these fish rather resemble blood parrots in the face which leads me to think they may be another severum hybrid. at the same time, the coloration and trailing ventrals hint at some angel heritage. :dunno: anybody else want to jump in with some speculation?
It looks like a Blood Parrot X Angel but i'm not sure that is possible?
...not if there aren't any blood parrots in the tank. :p ;) nor were there any red devils or midas cichlids, that i could tell.

whatever these are, i personally prefer their appearance over the blood parrots. you can't get a good sense for it in the pictures, but their scales are crisp white with excellent definition on the black bands. they also have bright red eyes like the wild-type angels. and if they are severums x angels, this hybrid should be less temperamental than the blood parrot. (heh, can you tell that i find them tempting?)
Yeah, definitely festivums. Angels and severums belong to different genera, so I'm fairly certain they can't interbreed... but then again, midas/red devils aren't from the same genus as severums either (but that would help explain why blood parrots are so horribly deformed)
definitly a Festivum, had thse guys for a while now, awesome fish to keep :thumbs:

some say ballon rams are a hybrid of a ram and an angel, i just dont see it though
wixx said:
some say ballon rams are a hybrid of a ram and an angel, i just dont see it though
Definitely not. That's just one of those myths people perpetuate because it "looks" to the untrained eye like it might be possible :p. Balloon rams are just selectively bred, like balloon mollies.

Technically there can be angel hybrids because there are a few different species of angel available that I'm sure can freely interbreed, but as far as angels hybridizing with less closely related species, I've never seen it... not to say it couldn't potentially happen, of course :dunno:

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