Quarantining Marine Stock...


Eternally pruned fingers!
Feb 10, 2007
Reaction score
Swinging London, UK.
Ok, so I'm new to this full marine side of the hobby, so can people give me their thoughts on quarantine ideas etc on this please?

What is your QT tank like? Do you QT at all, or rely on what the LFS tells you about how they've done it?

Personally I think it must be done so want to get the set up of a QT tank right. I'm only in a 24 gal DD nano so will be getting a few fish of a small size and some soft corals and a CUC. Does all of this need to be QT'd or just the fish?

I'd just like to do best by my modest nano tank system and start off on the right foot from the beginning :D

Thanks in advance. Photos of your QT tanks would be nice too :D :good:
I don't quarantine my stock. I nearly had an outbreak of ICH early on but I was running UV and that took care of it in short order.
I do have a small backup tank in case I have a dire emergency but I've not been motivated to use it yet (fingers crossed).
It always makes sense to quarentine, and what makes more sense then your spending, 2 or 3 or more times the money than freshwater. I have a 10G set-up right now that I am quarentining 5 new fish and a piece of coral.... here is a pic:


Single piece of LR for filtration, a maxi1200 and a 100W heater.... basic light (20W PC)..... cap coral, purple square anthias, and 4 green chromis

This is way under equipt and undersized for these fish for life, but for the the three to four weeks they will be in here, no prob. Do 10-20% wc's twice a week as well to keep the water as good as it can be

Ox :good:
Nice little set up there Ox.

One question. How do you keep the tank cycled when you are not quarantining?

That was one of my issues when I had a FW quarantine tank. I ended up leaving one of the fish in there and I thought this rather an unfair thing to do to it. This is why I eventually dismantled the tank and keep in on hand in case I need it for emergency.
YOu could put the LR piece in the sump of your main tank, i guess then it would get continual flow/supply of food?

if you have a sump!
The piece of lr is from my display... thats all it needs, already cycled.... if no sign of an outbreak after quarentine, the rock goes right back to the display.... if I have an outbreak, will cook the rock and kill off everything on it before adding back to the display.

I agree, for fresh, its a little tougher with needing to keep the filter media cycled, but this can be done be keeping an extra foam pad or extra bag of media in a canister and when QT is needed, simply remove the extra media, and place into a filter for the QT tank. The best way I've found to do it :good:

Ox :good:

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