Quarantine tank


Fish Fanatic
May 10, 2004
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Now that we have our 30g as a "spare" tank, we are going to use it as a quarantine for new fish. How long do you keep fish in a quarantine tank and are there any other special things I should be aware of with regard to this type of tank?
I've heard minimum of 2wks...and up to 6. No substrate, and some form of decoration/plant to make them feel more secure.
Why no substrate (it currently has gravel) and if there is no substrate what do you stick the plants into?!
I think the lack of gravel is for the treatmt aspect of the tank, should it be needed. Easier to keep clean, judge what's been eaten, how poo looks...
As far as keeping the plants anchored, I've used plant wt's....tho I've currently got the plants inserted upside-down, one hooked on tank edge, the other hangs off thermometer...
I quar new fish for 4 weeks, even if I know the shop or breeder. Can never be too careful in that respect. Cable ties work great to attach a rock to plant bases to keep them on the bottom. Putting some sort of backing around 3 sides of the tank also helps new fish feel more secure.

Hi daisycat :)

I use some gravel from the main tank in my quarantine tanks, but only about a half inch of it. This is for the beneficial bacteria. I also use some filter media from that tank so that it will be cycled for the new fish.

For plants, I keep mine potted in plastic containers and move them around to whichever tank needs one. Since most of my new fish are corys, they also need a cave, which I make with 3 round stones topped with a flat one, or a piece of slate.

When I'm finished with the treatment, or the observation period, I move the fish to another tank and either replace the gravel in the main tank (if the fish are fine, or wash and boil it first, if they were sick)

If the fish have been sick, I usually get rid of the plant.
Thanks for all the advice.

MrV, I did not feel either of those threads specifically addressed my situation but thanks for the thought.

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