Fish Crazy
Hi guys, in the past when I've had fish that have required treatment with medicines and now again in connection with one that has a condition that could potentially infect the whole tank, I've been advised to isolate the fish in question but have not had this facility to do this. I'd now like to setup what I believe is referred to as a quarantine tank, but am not sure how this is normally done.
From reading some posts here I get the impression that a small 'spare' tank is setup on an 'as and when is required' basis, but what about the need for the tank to be cycled? Or, should I always keep a smaller quarantine/isoaltion tank running, adding ammonia to feed the beneficial bacteria, when there are no patients resident? Basically, what's the normal setup?
From reading some posts here I get the impression that a small 'spare' tank is setup on an 'as and when is required' basis, but what about the need for the tank to be cycled? Or, should I always keep a smaller quarantine/isoaltion tank running, adding ammonia to feed the beneficial bacteria, when there are no patients resident? Basically, what's the normal setup?