Quarantine Tank


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
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Devon - UK
Ok i got some platies from the LFS the other day and they are sick i never quarentined afish before cos i have never ever got a disease from a fish i got from the LFS
I have decided to have a quarantine tank on standby its the Rena Aqua 30 Bevelled Front ( got hubby to dig it out the shed) cos it fits on the floor between the stands of the other 2 tanks
So in the tank at the moment i got a thin layer of washed gravel and my stingray 5 empty of media and sponges sat on the side waiting to be used
I have the filter sponges and media soaking in the current fish tank .

So my question is this
Am i doing it right and what else do i need for a quarentine/hospital tank - i dont want to keep it up and running as i'll use it for something lol and wont have a quarentine tank then
any help would be appreciated

Thanks Sarah xx

EDIT: - fish are being treated
Ok i got some platies from the LFS the other day and they are sick i never quarentined afish before cos i have never ever got a disease from a fish i got from the LFS
I have decided to have a quarantine tank on standby its the Rena Aqua 30 Bevelled Front ( got hubby to dig it out the shed) cos it fits on the floor between the stands of the other 2 tanks
So in the tank at the moment i got a thin layer of washed gravel and my stingray 5 empty of media and sponges sat on the side waiting to be used
I have the filter sponges and media soaking in the current fish tank .

So my question is this
Am i doing it right and what else do i need for a quarentine/hospital tank - i dont want to keep it up and running as i'll use it for something lol and wont have a quarentine tank then
any help would be appreciated

Thanks Sarah xx

depends what their illness is,. if its just whitespot you could buy some myaxin. that stuffs brilliant
i'm treating their illnes just wondering about wether i'm setting up the quarentine/hospital tank correctly but thanks for the reply :)
i'm treating their illnes just wondering about wether i'm setting up the quarentine/hospital tank correctly but thanks for the reply :)
oh sorry i wouldnt know ive never needed one, i probably should have one.
sounds like your doing alright though =)
i'm treating their illnes just wondering about wether i'm setting up the quarentine/hospital tank correctly but thanks for the reply :)
oh sorry i wouldnt know ive never needed one, i probably should have one.
sounds like your doing alright though =)

i easily confuse my typing lol so dont worry
yes i thought it sounded ok just didnt know wether you should leave it running 24/7 or empty cos if i leave it running i know i will use it
Sounds good thus far. Do you have room to put the whole filter in your established tank? You're going to want to get a heater if you don't already have one.

didnt know wether you should leave it running 24/7 or empty cos if i leave it running i know i will use it

It will not stay cycled without any fish in it...with nothing to eat the bacteria will die.
Keep the quar tank filter running in your main tank, remove it for use on the quar tank when needed.
ok i'll put the whole filter in the fry/shrimp tank then and keep it running until i need it
yes i got a spare 100watt heater for the tank
would it benefit from silk plants or do you just leave it bare ?
Most people just leave them bare so they don't have to mess around with decontaminating tank decor between uses.
Most people just leave them bare so they don't have to mess around with decontaminating tank decor between uses.

Thanks everyone for the replies - i just like to confirm and make sure i'm doing the right things before i do them as fish are living creatures and i dont want to harm them if possible so once again thanks for answering all my questions so far :)
hopefully from now on will only have to use as a quarentine tank and never a hospital tank unless the platys or guppys go weird and start attacking each other :hyper:
I think it's a good idea to give the fish some sort of cover-plants, cave, etc, so that they don't feel so exposed in the QT tank. Added stress is only going to make them sicker.

And I keep the sponge for my QT filter in my main tank, so it is ready when needed.

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