Quarantine question

Speak No Evil

New Member
Jun 15, 2020
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Hi all,

So I have some fish in quarantine, black neons and checker barbs. This is the first time I have quarantined after learning the hard way by losing fish in one of my main tanks.

I decided not to treat them right away and just to watch them as they all looked healthy. Now I saw one of the barbs behaving odly, it rolled over, almost like it had swim bladder issues but didn't do it again that I have seen. Presumably the same fish is now quite inactive and has clamped fins. Not seeing any other psysical signs I dont think, though the checker barbs can swim with a bit of a jerky motion, dont know if that is usual with them.

Would you treat now? If so, what with?

I have Esha 2000 and NT labs fluke / wormer.

That's not a lot to go on. It says it's a good thing you quarantined, but many problems can do that. Medicating without knowing which won't help.

I would do a 40-50% water change, and keep watching for more signs of what's up.

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