Q's About Eels....


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
Alrighty, so my DH decided that he'd like some sort of eel after seeing them in the petstores a few times.

Just curious to know what they're like? I see that they get pretty large, so is a 120gal big enough? Would 1 be ok by itself?
Would it be ok with a BGK?
Is 1 type more aggressive than another?
How big should fish be to keep from being eaten?

Uhm, and any other info that could be provided would be great :D
Alrighty, so my DH decided that he'd like some sort of eel after seeing them in the petstores a few times.

Just curious to know what they're like?
some sort of eel is rather vague (actually very vague). is he looking at spiny eels? morays? or did he consider bichirs or ropefishes eel-like.

I see that they get pretty large, so is a 120gal big enough?
120g wouldn't be able to hold larger spiny eel species like the fire eel or tyre track. the rest of the list should do fine.

Would 1 be ok by itself?
depending on what he chose in the first place. smaller spiny eel species can coexist in groups, the above two, no. bichirs and all can be kept together though i'm not too sure about morays.

Would it be ok with a BGK?
Is 1 type more aggressive than another?
How big should fish be to keep from being eaten?
hmm. if he has decided on a species it would make things alot easier in terms of caring for the fish and stuff.
Sorry, should've been a bit more specific :p lol

He would like one of the freshwater kind that buries itself in the substrate? I'm not sure what those are classified in to.... they have those long narrow faces.. think some types are called, tire track? and fire something? I know the tire track ones get really big from what I've read about those, but wasn't too sure on the other kinds.

Also since it was brought up.... he does like ropefish as well. Would one or more of those be ok in a 120gal? With a BGK? And how big would fish have to be to not become lunch?
he must be looking at spiny eels, which simplifies things a little. yes they are known to bury under substrate (sand or fine gravel) but i've had 4 eels till date (3 species) which wouldn't bury even in sand. yes the fire and tyre track would be too big for a 120g. but you could try looking at peacocks or half banded spiny eels. they don't get really huge and you can get away with groups of them in the same tank.

the above would be considered harmless to fishes unless they're really small (less than 1"). ropefishes on the other hand would take fishes smal enough to be swallowed. if you think the fish can fit into its mouth, then no. both would do fine with BKGs
The Zebra spiny eel stays a nice size but my half banded is the real burrower, often unseen in the sand until he smells food. Lovely fish, I keep mine with praecox rainbows and glass cats with no casualties yet.
Thanks for the info :D
DH was happy to hear that the peacocks don't get too large for our tank :) Those are the ones we usually see for sale, so might get one :)
Would they be better in a group? Or are they ok by themselves?
Looked up some more info on the peacock eels. They don't seem to get too large at all. So if DH wants, mightget 2 or however many he wants :D Hopefully they'll bury themselves in the sand and help stir it up so I don't have to :p lol
they are okay in groups, just note that they are known to be extremely fussy eaters. mine would take nothing but live tubifex (even not eating for a month when i tried to get it on frozen bloodworms).

if you're concerned about the sand pockets building up toxic gases and all thats why you need to stir them up, i believe it has been dismissed as a myth in the scientific section
They are picky eaters? BLEH
We had a bumblebee goby that wouldn't eat anything except for frozen bloodworms (and barely even then).... uuugh... well... we'll see I guess. Might have to invest in getting some kind of live food.

And thanks about the info for the sand :D
yes my peacock eel is very picky about eating...ive had him for a while now and i still havent seen him eat. he must find left over bloodworms every now and then because he wont eat shrimp pellets. very cool eel though, mines always burrying himself

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