

Fish Addict
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Stevenage, UK
Does anyone know a uk online retailer that sells a python tank cleaning kit, or is there a topic which tells how to make one.

Hang on a mo....

Python Squeeze Stressless Siphon Starter

Whats this for then ? I thought the sucking out of muck was done by the force of the tap water.... ?

And, has anyone actually got a home made on to work ?

(tonights soaked carpet promted this ! lol)
Mine works but not in the same method as the python. Its basically a hose with a T connector and and drainage valve.

Close valve, put end of hose in tank and attached other end to tap.
Fill hose with water.
Once hose is full of water keep the end in the tank under water and open up the drainage valve (this is connected to the T piece which is near the tap).
This creates a siphon and drains the tank water straight into the sinks drain.
When I want to refill I just close the valve and turn the tap back on.

This works great if the hose is not coiled up (ie its just the right length to go from the sink to the tank) and the sink is lower then the tank.

Crappy paint pic but hopefully gives you an idea :) Cost about £10 for the bits from B&Q. yellow bit is just a ball valve, pink bit is a T connector.

Thanks for the pic barney... 2 of my tanks are slightly lower than the sink - will a python still work I wonder (HB not commercial !)
at what stage/how is the dechlorinator added? do you leave your filter on and if so, is it not affected by the raw tap water?
Tank would need to be fairly high to be above sink level, a bit inconvenient, still, good idea.
Tank would need to be fairly high to be above sink level

I ran into this problem when making mine, but quickly found a solution.

Who has a window next to their kitchen sink? Almost everyone i reckon.

All you need to do is attach a bit hose to the drain valve and stick it out the window so the end of the hose is lower than the bottom of your tank.

Voila! Problem solved. The sink no longer needs to be lower than the tank. It does mean that the water drains out the window rather than down the sink, but hey, recycling old water is good for the environment anyways. Water the lawn with it or something.

I made quite a complicated one with attachments so i can attach and unattach my different sizes of gravel cleaners easily. I keep meaning to post pics but never got round to it yet.

Pythons are the best invention since sliced bread IMO. I'll never lift a bucket again! :yahoo:


So , all we have here then is a long bit of hose ? A syphon to empty and water from the cold tap - depending on mode ? I would worry about using just cold water :crazy:
So , all we have here then is a long bit of hose ? A syphon to empty and water from the cold tap - depending on mode ? I would worry about using just cold water :crazy:

Yeah, basically it is a long bit of hose which empties and refills your tank. The cold water isn't a problem unless you do BIG water changes, say 75% +.

Most fish actually like the colder water and it will encourage some species to spawn.
So , all we have here then is a long bit of hose ? A syphon to empty and water from the cold tap - depending on mode ? I would worry about using just cold water :crazy:

MMmm, the way I read it when I first saw them was that you ran the cold tap on the syphon (extraction ?) mode, which sucked the old water from the tank - implying that the tank CAN be lower than the sink.
Is this incorrect ?

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