Python And Marina Aqua Minder Reviews


Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
Kent, UK

Just wanted to post to say how happy I am today with both of these products.

The alarm of the Marina Aqua Minder (digital thermometer) went off at 5am this morning getting me out of bed - turned out that the heater on the 30L tank had gone haywire and started to heat up the tank far too much, so if it hadn't been for MAM my fish would have starting to roast.

Also, I bought a Python No Spill this week - got it all together for a water change this morning - oh what joy not to have to lug several 12 litre buckets out to the kitchen from my 180L tank, no doubt making a mess on the way. Only downside for me is that we don't have a combi boiler, and when refilling with just cold tapwater the tank temp started to drop quite quickly, so ended up using the old boiled kettle and cold tapwater mix as usual via buckets - but hey, saved my back for half the job, so I'm very pleased. Now just need to spend a couple of thousand pounds getting a combi boiler installed, lol.

Fish tank cleaning happiness over for now, off bowling with a 4 year old ! :blink:
I had an aquaminder for nearly a year, and trusted it... spent all summer putting bags of ice in the tank because it was too warm... and adjusting the heater when it turned cooler, after loosing some fish I double checked it with my photographic thermometer... errors ranged from 20 degs F when above "normal" to 10 when colder :crazy: A quick google around shows Im not alone.

I took it outside and beat it flat with a hammer - very satisfying

Now TOTALLY trust a £1.50 LCD stick on...
I took it outside and beat it flat with a hammer - very satisfying

LOL :lol:

Know what you mean though - i've also got the bog standard glass thermometer's too, and always check these every day at the same time just in case (don't trust anything electronic in the tanks at the moment)

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