Pygmy/Dwarf Cories


Fish Addict
Jun 15, 2005
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NB/NS/PEI (depends on time of year)
Hey everyone, I'm hoping somebody could help me out. I've been contemplating giving my 10g (soon to be home to 4 female bettas) a sand substrate, and my only concern is that with courses, lectures and general University craziness I might not always remember to stir it up when I ought.

I know 10g is too small for a lot of plecs, loaches etc., but I was thinking a small shoal of Pygmaeus or Hastatus (Habrosus at a stretch, but I prefer the look of the other two) might do well in there. Not only are they impossibly adorable :wub: but I've heard that they root around in the sand and consequently can be counted on to stir it up on my behalf, so was wondering if anybody can confirm this for me, ideally before I run out and get a bunch of them, only to find out it's not true :rolleyes:

Thanks so much! :thumbs:
yes they will; however they won't do as good a job
as malaysian trumpet snails will
My Pygmys are very active, rummage around in the graval and forrage off anubias leaves. They will certainly help, and you could have up to 12 quite easily in a 10G if you dont have any other bottom feeders. Malaysian trumpet snails are good but breed like CRAZY. I wouldn't usually reccomend them because their multiplying rate will really drive you nuts..

The multiplying rate was what shocked me, too. I looked into them after posting the last time, and the number of them . . . *shudders* I actually had a nightmare that night that they overtook my tank and smothered my fish :lol:

If the pygmies do the job well enough, I'll probably go with a shoal of 8-10, and hope that they can give my gals a run for their money :sly:
They are absolutely adorable!!

Sadly all of mine died on introduction to my tank- they really were MINISCULE! And promptly nibbled to death!

It was tragic- I won't get more until I have another tank- then they will be first lot in!!

I think I saw your post on that- I searched the forums before I asked, and I came across your story. I'm really sorry about that :(

I'm hoping to find some Pygmaeus locally, and that way if they don't make it I can go right back with the evidence, so to speak, and sort it out ;)

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