Pygmy Corys

What other fish are in there... is it heavily planted... real or fake... what substrate do you have?...
What other fish are in there... is it heavily planted... real or fake... what substrate do you have?...
12 platys, a piece of bogwood and gravel

Corys prefer a sand substrate to root around in... it will also protect their delicate 'barbules?'... but I know people who use small, natural pea gravel... they also prefer some shade/hiding places... How many litres is your tank? You 'may' be near stock limit with 12 fish already...
Corys prefer a sand substrate to root around in... it will also protect their delicate 'barbules
true but corydoras pygmaeus are a mid level swimmer and rarely visit the bottom.
Hi guppymad :)

If your tank is 12" high, you have a 15 US gallon tank. If it's 16', then your tank holds 20 US gallons. That is a considerable difference when it comes to stocking it, especially with livebearers.

But whichever one you have, it might not be a good idea to add more fish, especially corys. The pygmy corys are small and need very clean water to thrive, so an overstocked tank will not be good for them.

When the time comes that you get another tank, or a larger one, you would certainly enjoy these little corys, especially if you get a minimum of 6 or 8 of them. :D
thanks i don't think i will add any more fish from what you have all said.

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