Hello everyone. I'm new to shrimp kepping and this website. I have a 60L tank with Dwarf Gourami's, Danio's And a Bristlenose. That i have had for about a year with no problems. Because i liked that tank so much i got a little 20L tank with 5 Cherry red shrimp, 4 male and 1 female. The tank has plants and lots of rocks. Oscar breading Sponge type filter and a Heater. And the shrimp are heaps of fun and almost fully grown(Males 1.5cm to 2cm and the female is 2.5cm and pregnant). Now i was thinking of adding some fish. But i dont wont fish that will eat all the baby shrimp(If the fish i put in eat a couple that will be fine). Also i dont wont fish that will scare my shrimp, And make them hide(I mean the bigger shrimp Because i know that shrimplets will hide untill they get bigger). Now i have done some research on this. And could not find out if anyone has keep fish with CRS. So i did some reseach on small fish, And came up with the idear of some Pygmy Cory's. As they only get to 2cm, As big as my biggest male shrimp. And arent they vegaterian to. Well any help with this would be great. Cheers Dat810