Pygmy Cory Dilemma!


Fish Gatherer
Mar 14, 2010
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Right some of you may know I'm planning to complete my stocking with 6 Pygmy Corys. I bought my other fish 3 weeks ago (Platys and Honey Gouramis) and at the time my LFS had 3 in one of their tanks. I emailed the bloke this morning asking if they had any more yet and he's just replied saying that he still only has 3 in stock. SO, here's my dilemma.....

This is obviously the same 3 fish. They've been in that shop for a at least a month like that (coz I saw them the week before I got my fish too). Shall I just get them? Coz there's only 3 of them as it is so it wouldn't be like I'll be separating them from their school and causing their small numbers - they already are! also let's face it, they'll probably be happier in my looked after, sandy, cycled tank anyway. OR could I look at it that's it's bad enough for them that there's only 3 and moving them to unknown surroundings in such a small number might make them unhappy and cause them too much stress? He seems very vague when he'll be getting some more in (which I think is also a factor) but obviously I will be looking to up the number to 6 when I can.

What do we think?
Hmmm i would get pandas :p ;) :D

No seriously,regarding the pygmys,it is a toughie,3 would be fine for a while,but it does depend if you can get anymore has they are shoaling fish and do swim in the middle of the tank has well has graze on the bottom like a cory,they will feel more confident with more of them,especially has your other fish are bigger than them.

I started with 6 then went up to 12 (now i have around 23,with the juvi's as well) and they're certainly more active in a bigger group. :)
Harlequins I knew you'd come to my rescue!!!!!!

Yeah will definitely get more, just figure they'll be better off in my tank than the LFS where they're stuck. Plus I think it'll make the bloke get more if he sells out.

I'm so geting them tomorrow (today) so long as they're still there and look healthy :D

P.s I know, I love Pandas but too many people have p***** on that idea and I'd feel like I was evil and overstocked :sad:
I hope they still have the pygmys :) - i have decided before now to get certain fish,then when i get there they've sold out :rolleyes:

TBH - i personally think your tank will handle the pandas,they stay small and its not has though they produce tons of waste like the platys. maybe 3 this week and see how the stats go then 3 more in a week or two... but thats just my personal opinion :p

At the end of the day its up to you. :good:
Eeek don't say that! lol. The only factor with that is my LFS (the one I finally chose that has the Pygmys) doesn't sell Pandas. Or he didn't a few weeks ago.

Ok I could come back with either or today :). What I actually need is a better tank so I can get both! :lol:
:lol: - decisions,decisions... :lol:

I feel an upgrade coming on :p :lol:

Waiting impatiently to see what you come back with.... :whistle: :)
Lol you've got quite a big tank already haven't you?
I gooottttttt them! :)

One I think is older than the other 2, he/she is a fair bit bigger. One doesn't seem to happy but I'm just hoping that's down to some fish (like humans) being more senstive to being moved than others. I am a little concerned by my Platys though (especially the yellow one). They seem a little TOO interested in them. Cello (yellow platy)has "nosed" one of them a couple of times.

I was talking to the woman in the shop about them. When I asked for them she went "Oh you're the girl that emailed me!". She said they'll be getting some more fish either next week or the week before, she reckons that in this heat it isn't kind to be moving them about too much which is why they haven't go any new stock that recently. I thought that was quite admirable. So anyway, I think I'm looking at about a month before I can get the other 3/4.

These Tetrtabimin many shall I feed (once a day)? Bearing in mind there's only 3 of them at the mo. Also, should I do it at night? I think I read that somwhere!

Cheers, will try and get pics when I can get them to stay at the front for 2 mins! :lol:
Fab news on the pygmys :nod:

Its quite possible the larger one is a female,my females are larger than the males.Hopefully the platy is just being nosey and will leave them alone eventually.

I do have tetramin tabs,but rarely feed them has i use tetra prima mini granules and crushed flakes amongst other things,the pygmys mouth are tiny,so i would feed at night with lights out, especially has you have the platys in there,and if they're anything like mine were they'll eat them before the pygmys get chance.maybe break half a tab up and see how they go :)
Alright thanks. Ha I now know I have holds in my bogwood. They're using them as caves! :lol:

The unhappy one still has its fins clamped down :S.

I was kinda hoping one is female coz then I might not have to buy anymore, they might do it for me :lol:
I hope the fin clamped one pulls through :good: ,they're good at finding hidey holes :lol:

Mine have stopped doing the bizz at the moment,i think this hot weather has put a dampen on their ardour :lol:

He seems ok now thanks *touch wood*. I think they're used to being fed in the morning. I went up to the tank before I came out this morning and the 3 of them were dancing around in front of me!

I might get the granuels coz the yellow platy ate their pellet last night!

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