Pygmy cories


Fish Crazy
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Poznan, Poland
I got 5 Pygmy Cories a day ago and am now worried as i have not seen any eat the bloodworms i feed em.

They dont seen to have gotten skinnier, but even then, they have not been to go NEAR the bloodworm that sinks to the bottom.... my SAE chomps up the bloodworms quite quickly actually.

has anyone had this prob before? is it because the pymys are too small? should i feed in larger amounts?

Bloodworms are a pretty big thing for pygmy corys to eat. Try something smaller, brine shrimp, or baby brine shrimp if they are really small.

tubifex or glass worms would be better for pygmys
and daphnia(water fleas)
Hi Jer- :)

Are your Pygmies eating anything? While you are looking for a live or frozen food that they like, be sure to feed them a good quality, high protien flake food. This is one item I always like to spend a little more for to get the best. :D
If the tank mates are getting to all the worms, what you could do is to feed other foods. E.g. processed food that you could break up and drop in different corners of the tanks. :) That should up the chances of the fellas getting to the food.

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