Pygmy Cories


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
I'm thinking about getting some pygmy cories for ny 10 gallon. However what do you feed them? Would sinking granules work? I also have algae wafers, and flakes but obviously I can get other foods for them? I've searched online and didn't find it useful.

Also is there any other important information I should know before buying them?
I feed my pygmys on mini granules,flakes,defrosted baby brine shrimp etc... they must eat it has they're still alive :)
I have 6 in my 10G tank, I originally had 8 in my 30G tank but unfortunately 2 had an untimely death via the filter in take and surprisingly that was after being in the tank for about 2 months. I moved them over and fed them the same thing I always fed them. So had them about 3 months now, I just crush up my normal cory sinkers and on the odd occasional feed them bloodworm but very fine pieces of it.

Other important information... they're very small, they like to shoal a lot and I have found mine VERY active when there are no aggressive residents. In fact I have put a cover on my tank because of how active they have become I am afraid they might jump out of my open top tank. Just make sure there is with the filter in take or what now.
I have plenty frozen food in that they could eat so that isn’t an issue , I just forgot to mention that in my first post (doh).

I was thinking of getting 6 (if I can get them locally); they would be going in with my male betta; he’s quite nosey but not aggressive. He’s perfectly fine with baby snails (my female bettas did NOT like baby snails). But I do have a back-up plan just in case.

I would have a snug lid on the tank; the lid now has a lovely rim around the outside for what I don’t know; so we are making a tight fitting lid for it at the weekend (before setting it up). My filter is pretty secure as well (I think); I can’t see how anyone could get in it, unless they were microscopic in size lol. It has a nice spray bar as well so nothing could get in that end either. The filter is pretty “fish” proof and so will the tank be once I make the secure lid.

Any other advice? Even if it seems really obvious?
I have had my pygmy cories (C.habrosus) for a couple of years now and they happily eat everything the Peppered and Sterbai cories eat. All of them including the bristlenoses really get stuck into crushed snails :good: as well was the usual flakes, shinking shrimp pellets and algea wafers. These guys are quite happy with the Peppereds even though the Peppereds are nearly triple their size! The tank even has cherry shrimp in there now and all the catfish even leave the shrimp alone. A more docile friendly fish I don't think you could find. I also used to have a huge albino cory that ate live earth worms out of my hand.

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