Pygmy Cories?


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales
i have never seen these in any shop i have seen the usually corries and giant corries but no pygmy they a rarity or something?
i got some from my lfs 10 for £10 if you want some try a local maidenhead aquatics they can order some in for you . But i have to agree i dont usually see them for sale either
they have ordered me some hasbrosus corys aswell

good luck sarah xx
thank you and i go to maidenhead aquatics regularly for bloodworms. how big do pygmy cories get?

my albino cories ain't that big :D
Hi Robot_Rooster :)

Pygmy corys (C. pygmaeus) are quite small. C. habrosus and C. hastatus are just about the same size. Just to give you an idea, here are some C. pygmaeus with a group of C. panda. All are adult fish.


I'll move your thread into the Cory section where you might get some more responses. :D
Aren't those known as panda's too?

o_O; (from the pic. InchWorm posted.)

They look awesome, and they only grow up to 2"ish, I think. :D
Hi kevinthecow :)

Yes, pandas are among the smaller corys. In this picture however, they look big just because the pygmy corys are so small. If you look carefully you will see 3 of them in the picture.
Not a rareity in most lfs. I have 8 in with my Betta to clear up any left-overs (See my sig.) . Great little fish and although they do spend most of the time on the substrate they do go mid-water a lot too
wow they really are small, when i go to my lfs (3 of them) i'll ask. im surprised with the lfs in Cardiff in that one of them stocks halfbeaks which are rare to look for? (i think) and a very large maidenhead aquatics where i also got my tortoise :D.

thanks for the info guys and gals!
When you go to your LFS you need to actually ask for them. What I have found is that when I am wandering around checking the tanks, I never see the hastatus or pygmaeus. It is not that I don't recognize them immediately, since I have all 3 types at home, it is that they are small enough that 20 or 30 can easily hide behind an ornament and you will never notice them. The habrosus are not as bad at this as the pygmaeus and the hastatus but they are also quite capable of hiding just like the rest.
Very true.

The ones I took were sharing the tank with C.Melini's at the store and I did not realize they were there until the owner pointed them out....and the tank had no real hiding places at all....just a few stones.

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