Pygmy Cories Under Attack

Dana C

Fish Crazy
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
I put 4 pygmy cories in with my Beta about 3 weeks ago and they were getting along fine untill last night. I noticed the Beta was swimming along the bottom of the tank under the plants like he was stalking them, so far the cories have been to fast for him and he gives up very quickly but I am worried he might get one when they aren't looking.

Would it be ok to move the cories to my main tank it is 180 litres and has cories, platys, harlequins, neons, glowlights, dwarf neon rainbow fish and danios. I want to make sure they will be safe in there before I move them as they are so small and cute.

Thanks in advance for any comments or advice.
i see no problems with them in the 180lt, they might struggle to find food at first, just feed plenty and keep watching.,
should be ok
Thanks for your reply,

If I had moved them and they were eaten by one of the other fish I would have felt so guilty, I will move them this evening and keep an eye on them as you suggest.

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