

Fish Crazy
Apr 18, 2005
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We are setting up a tank and are thinking about what fish we would like eventually. I love the pygmy catfish and would like a few of them. Is it ok to keep them with a pair of rams and a few tetras which are the other fish we are sure we would like? We are also thinking a pair of dwarf gouramis too.
They would be fine with any of the above fish you have mentioned. Just make sure you get a nice group of the cory (dwarf catfish) that you decide to choose. Ideally you should have 5 or 6, but this depends on the size of your tank.

Thanks for the advice. The tank is 120 litres so I think I could have 5 or 6.
I have all three kinds of dwarf cories - hastatus, habrosus, and pygmaeus. I like habrosus the best. They are the cutest and the most active of the three. My hastatus are very timid and hide a lot and are easily spooked. They remind of bees the way they hover in a group together and dart around (when they do come out of hiding!). The pygmaeus just sort of chill out in the corner all the time and don't seem to school together as much as the others do. The habrosus are busy bodies all over the tank swimming around. Just my experience. you'll love any of them, tho. good luck.

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