yeah that looks good, but if you get a big wooden shed, and insulate it with solid foil covered insulation boards, like kingspan boards, you seal between each board and in effect the whole shed will be air and water tight allowing you to pretty much control the temperature pretty accurately. you will still obviously get condensation but it will drip off the boards so you need to make sure you have water tight floor aswel as walls and ceiling. it is pretty simple and also important will be making sure the doors seal, which is also simple. i think your main concern being the condensation would eb easily overcome. even if you buy one of the plastic sheds you would still need to insulate it so would probably woprk out a lot more expensive, unnecessarily!
this is all assuming you are wanting a big tropical tank! even if it was cold and you was worrying about insulation this could be overcome with plastic sheeting stapled or tacked over the interior of the shed.
i was wanting to do something similar but my garden isn't big enough to make it worth while so im going to wait until we move then build a block fish house with a big tank also made from blocks with a glass front! hope you figure it out soon, would good to make a journal showing steps all along the way of you building it!