Pvc Gutter Pipe


get on a board and do yo thang...!
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 9, 2009
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South Leicestershire U.K
i need a bigger cave for my catfish and the obvious thing to use is a piece of black PVC gutter/drainage pipe. am i right in thinking this will be ok in the tank?

what have others used for DIY caves?

the fish is about a foot long and getting very chunky so a normal lfs cave just wont be big enough....
never done it my self but i have seen a fair few tanks with bits of drain pipe in them some have been buried under the gravel to hide them as well
What about a fair sized slate one? :)
PVC is my main tank decoration, often the only one. Bagging fish for an auction this morning, noticed that I have a pair of angels spawning on a piece of PVC hanging in the tank for just that purpose. Been using it for years, if it's safe for hatching fry it's safe for most anything.
quiet sure you will know but just get ya pipe and glue (using aquarium silicone)some of your existing substrate to the pipe and it will look much better in the tank.

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