Putting wood in tank


Apr 28, 2004
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Hesperia, Ca USA
There is a piece of wood that i want to put in my tank, but how would i be able to get rid of the germs and the bad stuff that would make my water bad for the fish?
Where did you get the wood? That may be important...
For lfs or aquarium designate bogwood you can boil it for a good time to "clean it up" which may also help to reduce the amount of tannin that it will leach into your tank. Tannin color isn't all that bad, some fish really like/prefer it. :D


If it floats you will have to soak it till it sinks - sometimes this takes a long time.
jams.alaskan said:
Where did you get the wood? That may be important...
For lfs or aquarium designate bogwood you can boil it for a good time to "clean it up" which may also help to reduce the amount of tannin that it will leach into your tank. Tannin color isn't all that bad, some fish really like/prefer it. :D


If it floats you will have to soak it till it sinks - sometimes this takes a long time.
and sometimes even the combo doesn't work.

I soaked mine 2 weeks. boiled it 4 hours. Placed it in my tank. Still leaching some tannins and still won't stay sunken. rather frutrating. I don't mind the color of the water but it also makes an odd smelling water.

But I do like the way it looks.
The piece of wood will sink in my tank, no doubt about that. But it is a pretty big piece. So how would i be able to boil that. What if i soaked it in hot water?

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