silver tipped
Fish Fanatic
I have 1 male betta (midnight) in a 6 gallon tank and 4 females (Lola, Honey, Sapphire and Aqua) in a 8.5 gallon tank.
I was wondering what else I could put in with my girls and so I asked the lfs I regularly use. (They have won many awards and I value their opinion)
The first thing he said was 'What about a male'. I said that I did have a male but had read (on here) that you should never place a male and female together as they would fight. The only time they should be together, was when they are breeding and then only in certain circumstances.
He said that this was true if the ratio was 1:1 but as there was a 4:1 ratio then it would be ok. The male would give chase to the females, as any male would, but he would be out numbered and so less aggressive. With more females each one would be under less stress.
I have actually read this on other betta websites. So is it a case that 1:1 is a big no no but a ratio of more is fine? I keep platys (not the same I know) but the rule applies there to. More females to males mean less stress
Now before any yells I AM ONLY ASKING. My bettas are way to valuable to toy with and experiment on. Just wanted your thoughts.
I have 1 male betta (midnight) in a 6 gallon tank and 4 females (Lola, Honey, Sapphire and Aqua) in a 8.5 gallon tank.
I was wondering what else I could put in with my girls and so I asked the lfs I regularly use. (They have won many awards and I value their opinion)
The first thing he said was 'What about a male'. I said that I did have a male but had read (on here) that you should never place a male and female together as they would fight. The only time they should be together, was when they are breeding and then only in certain circumstances.
He said that this was true if the ratio was 1:1 but as there was a 4:1 ratio then it would be ok. The male would give chase to the females, as any male would, but he would be out numbered and so less aggressive. With more females each one would be under less stress.
I have actually read this on other betta websites. So is it a case that 1:1 is a big no no but a ratio of more is fine? I keep platys (not the same I know) but the rule applies there to. More females to males mean less stress
Now before any yells I AM ONLY ASKING. My bettas are way to valuable to toy with and experiment on. Just wanted your thoughts.