Putting Males With Females

silver tipped

Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
New milton, Hampshire

I have 1 male betta (midnight) in a 6 gallon tank and 4 females (Lola, Honey, Sapphire and Aqua) in a 8.5 gallon tank.

I was wondering what else I could put in with my girls and so I asked the lfs I regularly use. (They have won many awards and I value their opinion)

The first thing he said was 'What about a male'. I said that I did have a male but had read (on here) that you should never place a male and female together as they would fight. The only time they should be together, was when they are breeding and then only in certain circumstances.

He said that this was true if the ratio was 1:1 but as there was a 4:1 ratio then it would be ok. The male would give chase to the females, as any male would, but he would be out numbered and so less aggressive. With more females each one would be under less stress.

I have actually read this on other betta websites. So is it a case that 1:1 is a big no no but a ratio of more is fine? I keep platys (not the same I know) but the rule applies there to. More females to males mean less stress

Now before any yells I AM ONLY ASKING. My bettas are way to valuable to toy with and experiment on. Just wanted your thoughts.

Hi Rebecca,

well Bettatalk.com says the following:

'So unless you really want to have a display female betta community tank, I recommend using the other individual housing methods I listed above as safer alternative to keep your females. Oh and remember: NEVER PUT A FEMALE WITH A MALE!! Only when you spawn them should they both be in the same tank, and even still, remember to read my section on breeding your bettas to learn how to prevent the male from killing his mate or, the female from giving your male a nasty buzz cut. ;) '

I'm not sure about it to be honest but I wouldn't risk it, the females could be very stressed out with the males constant harrasment.
My girls are all sisters and have always been together. They get on fine with each other and so I would never split them up.

I think your right though about the male. i wouldn't risk it with him although he is so laid back he probably wouldn't even notice!!!

As you already have a tank with a male in it why move him?.
Maybe get a few snails or frogs or something.
To put it as nicely as possible.... LFS have no fricken idea what they're doing. Ask anyone knowledgeable about the behavior of bettas, and every single one will tell you the same: the only time a male betta should ever be placed with females is if you are breeding. Anything else would run an extremely high risk of fighting, injuries, and even deaths. If that were my LFS, I'd have a word with them about the misinformation being spread by thier employees; someone less cautious then you would have ended up with a whole mess of dead bettas. :no:

edit: On a side note, I would not add any tankmates to the female tank. 8.6g is actually a bit small for a sorority; the rule of thumb is usually 4-5 females per 10g. Even though bettas are air breathers and do not need high water oxygenation (and as thus, can be kept in small tanks), that tank is probably about "stocked" in terms of waste output.

Well I always double check any info that is given by any lfs as I have been duped before. I would still buy my fish from this lfs as they are very well cared for and the staff are generally very knowledgable. They do go on regular courses ect and it is their personal opinion.

As for stocking in my female tank, I know in my heart you are right and that 4 is my limit BUT I have been told, by people on this forum I might add, that I could put in ottos or pigmy cories. In fact, not long ago on this site, I read the sig of someone who had 7 female betta plus at least 6 cories in a 10g tank.!! I thought this was too much.

This is why I check and double check all info given by any one. Better to be safe than sorry.
As for stocking in my female tank, I know in my heart you are right and that 4 is my limit BUT I have been told, by people on this forum I might add, that I could put in ottos or pigmy cories. In fact, not long ago on this site, I read the sig of someone who had 7 female betta plus at least 6 cories in a 10g tank.!! I thought this was too much.

I've noticed many people on this forum giving advice that leads to overstocking, when in most cases, understocking is ideal for the fish involved. Most small algaer eaters prefer to live in groups of 3+ and require more space, filtration, and aeration than your typical betta tank, though with females you could probably have a stronger current due to the shorter fins. Don't get me wrong, it is probably possible, but I fail to see the benefit of it if all it does is increase the chance of an ammonia spike or overload of bioload.

I totally agree with you about stocking. I would rather under than over stock. In fact I did only have 3 females in the 8.5 gallon but on a visit to another lfs I saw a tank with a lovely gourami in it. On closer inspection I then noticed a poor little female betta hiding behind a rock. She was very dull in colour and didn't look good at all. I couldn't help myself. Since I have put her in the tank,her colour has improved and she is now has a lovely honey couloring. She has become a very confident fish.

Thanks for all your input though.

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