hey, iv got all 3 of my new females in the last 2 days and today i put them in the 10g tank with my st girl. i added the second to largest first and she quickly scared off the spadetail girl, i then added the 2 month old copper girl i got as an extra from a breeder, she very small and stays hidden pretty well. and last i added my huge ct female and they all coward in fear, shes near 2 inces lond and puts even my male to shame they all kinda met and did their lil agressive circleing thingy but they settled down. i didn't notice any nipping and it all looked cool but wen got back about an hour later my spade tail had a couple bad rips in her tail, im not sure whos responsable but they are deep. i dont otice any ther wounds on the fish and im going to be keeping an eye on them tonight, its quit humerous how they flare up and challenge each other and then wimp out on the big female. ill post pics asap probably tomarrow. how should i treat the banged up female? should i remove her and treat her? i dont want finrot to take over. how long will it take her to recover, my guppys take a couple weeks i know to recover from fin damage but is it differant with bettas?