Putting Corys Into Different Tank


New Member
Aug 26, 2010
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Hi there,
I have set up a new aquarium last week and it has been 7 days since the water went in. Can i transfer my corys from my old little tank into my new bigger tank without them dying? the water in the new tank is perfect in terms of ammonia, nitrates etc. but the water in my old tank is not perfect.
If the filter is new and only 7 days old then no has its not been cycled,the new tank will show 'perfect readings' has theres nowt in there at the moment...
agree with harlequins on this, your water seems perfect because nothing is in it. if your old tanks filter is cycled then you can put that in the new tank along with the fish but i wouldnt recommend adding the corys to a new uncycled tank
ok thanks. i cant change the filter over so how long will i have to wait and is ther any way of speeding it up
no, you cant speed it up. have you got different filters in each tank? what do you have?

if you read the topics in the beginner section it will tell you about cycling - you need to read that to understand why your fish cant go in yet ;)
How many corys? what type of corys? how bigs the new tank? how long has the current tank been set up for? if its big enough you could put the fish and filter in, how bigs the filter? keep a CLOSE eye on ammonia etc, meaning a couple of tests a day, especially a little while after feeding, feed sparingly and keep up with daily water changes, even if its 2-3 a day 20% at a time, giving enough time for the tank temp to settle so you dont stress the corys with too much of a drastic temp change, using water conditioner ofcourse, and don't add any new fish for a while untill your sure the filter is cycled properly. Also could put some live plants in the new tank will help with water stats. Could also put some of the old gravel in there aswell.
This 2010. Who cycles tanks in 2010? Why? Please enlighten me. I must be missing something. I set-up 6 brand new tanks, yesterday. Had fish in them within 10 minutes. Happy as clams, today. I just don't get it. ???? - Frank
This 2010. Who cycles tanks in 2010? Why? Please enlighten me. I must be missing something. I set-up 6 brand new tanks, yesterday. Had fish in them within 10 minutes. Happy as clams, today. I just don't get it. ???? - Frank

This 2010. Who cycles tanks in 2010? Why? Please enlighten me. I must be missing something. I set-up 6 brand new tanks, yesterday. Had fish in them within 10 minutes. Happy as clams, today. I just don't get it. ???? - Frank
? :hey:
So care to tell the community your secret Frank? Normally how a forum works :good:
I'm pretty sure we did have a pinned thread on how to "clone" a tank. It would have been in the Your New Freshwater Tank section but I don't see it there. I'll mention it to the mods who take care of that section and see if they can find it.

ok thanks. i cant change the filter over so how long will i have to wait and is ther any way of speeding it up

Even if you can't move the old filter into the new tank, you can move the beneficial bacteria laden media into your new filter. This will support the same amount of fish it did in the original tank. Presto! You have an instantly cycled tank.

As soon as the current heat wave is over, Coryologist will be sending me some of his beautiful CW016s and some C. trilineatus as well. Once I get the word that they are on their way, I will wash out a couple of 10 gallon tanks and set them up for the soon to arrive fish. I will divide filter floss from some of my other box filters and the tanks will be already cycled and ready to home the newcomers when they arrive.
So care to tell the community your secret Frank? Normally how a forum works :good:
No secret, as many hobbyist employ the technique. Already posted, more than once. Life is short. If it's not worthy of a "sticky," I'll assume that it's not worth repeating. - Frank

Oh you made it sound like some hidden secret, well yeh obviously coulda just said that lol

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